By 'what do you do with it' I'm not asking if you do or don't smoke it, since pretty much 99% of people who've smoked crack go straight for the resin when all the rocks are gone.
What I'm asking is, for example, at what point do you decide to scrape the resin/push the screen back and forth to collect the delicious caviar you're left with? Do you scrape it after every hit? Do you let it accumulate (and if you do, like me, how much do you smoke before you decide to smoke the res?), or do you start pushing that choy the second your last pebble's gone? I've met one person who never scraped the resin in his pipe, because he wasn't sure how to go at it, not knowing that all he had to do was push the screen back and forth and smoke it. Some people on the other hand prefer smoking a few sessions' worth of rocks until the pipe is completely covered in thick brown goo, then scrape it and get like 10 (probably even more sometimes) fat bellringers.
Also, what's your favorite way to get the resin? I've read in a bunch of threads in various forums that scraping the resin out of the pipe with some kind of sharp object (would an unrolled--that is, bent into a relatively straight line--paper clip work?), but I honestly don't understand how you could scoop all that resin out with something thin enough to fit into the pipe, since it'd be so small, you'd be scraping off match head size bits of resin (some kind of tiny spoon would seem ideal for this whole resin scraping deal, methinks...).
Oh, and how do you make the most out of your resin? I've read some reports of people getting 5+ really satisfying hits after trying for push hits after just one session (assuming it wasn't a 400 dollar session, evidently), but after smoking 20 bucks worth of rock I get either one really good hit if I don't push the screen whatsoever till it's all gone bye-bye, or 2 average hits. I mean I can get up to 5 or 6 hits after the initial monster caviar blast, but they're just the kind of hits that tease you, that give you a small taste of what could be a kick-ass toke, but those just piss me off more and leave me fiending even more.
So, how do you guys handle your leftover resin? I'm envious of those of you who can save it for a few days or even weeks or months and then have a pipe worth like 20 bucks cause of all the leftover product in there. Resin is honestly one of the only things I appreciate about crack, not many other drugs actually give you something to look forward to when they're all gone, but with rocks, it's a comforting feeling to know that those last few pebbles you have don't necessarily mean the fun is over.
But yeah, do you guys have any tips on how to manage resin better?
Is it better to push the screen just once per desired hit (because I remember I used to push the brillo a dozen times for each hit, not realizing I was probably wasting some), so you have some left over for a few more blasts, or is pushing it fifty times more effective?
Also, is resin supposed to be smoked as carefully as regular rocks (no continuous direct flame, etc), or can you just torch the shit out of it and pull hard?
Like is there a technique to smoking it properly?
Finally, what is more efficient, scraping the resin out of the pipe (and then, I assume packing that on top of the screen like if it were a rock), or pushing the screen from one end to the other?
I just want to get these supposed half-dozen 'monster hits' off the leftover resin, but I haven't managed more than two or three just barely satisfying enough, but I want some good bellringers off that resin. There's gotta be some secret technique to it, closely guarded in an underground tomb beneath a mountain. Or something. And I want to know about it.
What I'm asking is, for example, at what point do you decide to scrape the resin/push the screen back and forth to collect the delicious caviar you're left with? Do you scrape it after every hit? Do you let it accumulate (and if you do, like me, how much do you smoke before you decide to smoke the res?), or do you start pushing that choy the second your last pebble's gone? I've met one person who never scraped the resin in his pipe, because he wasn't sure how to go at it, not knowing that all he had to do was push the screen back and forth and smoke it. Some people on the other hand prefer smoking a few sessions' worth of rocks until the pipe is completely covered in thick brown goo, then scrape it and get like 10 (probably even more sometimes) fat bellringers.
Also, what's your favorite way to get the resin? I've read in a bunch of threads in various forums that scraping the resin out of the pipe with some kind of sharp object (would an unrolled--that is, bent into a relatively straight line--paper clip work?), but I honestly don't understand how you could scoop all that resin out with something thin enough to fit into the pipe, since it'd be so small, you'd be scraping off match head size bits of resin (some kind of tiny spoon would seem ideal for this whole resin scraping deal, methinks...).
Oh, and how do you make the most out of your resin? I've read some reports of people getting 5+ really satisfying hits after trying for push hits after just one session (assuming it wasn't a 400 dollar session, evidently), but after smoking 20 bucks worth of rock I get either one really good hit if I don't push the screen whatsoever till it's all gone bye-bye, or 2 average hits. I mean I can get up to 5 or 6 hits after the initial monster caviar blast, but they're just the kind of hits that tease you, that give you a small taste of what could be a kick-ass toke, but those just piss me off more and leave me fiending even more.
So, how do you guys handle your leftover resin? I'm envious of those of you who can save it for a few days or even weeks or months and then have a pipe worth like 20 bucks cause of all the leftover product in there. Resin is honestly one of the only things I appreciate about crack, not many other drugs actually give you something to look forward to when they're all gone, but with rocks, it's a comforting feeling to know that those last few pebbles you have don't necessarily mean the fun is over.
But yeah, do you guys have any tips on how to manage resin better?
Is it better to push the screen just once per desired hit (because I remember I used to push the brillo a dozen times for each hit, not realizing I was probably wasting some), so you have some left over for a few more blasts, or is pushing it fifty times more effective?
Also, is resin supposed to be smoked as carefully as regular rocks (no continuous direct flame, etc), or can you just torch the shit out of it and pull hard?
Like is there a technique to smoking it properly?
Finally, what is more efficient, scraping the resin out of the pipe (and then, I assume packing that on top of the screen like if it were a rock), or pushing the screen from one end to the other?
I just want to get these supposed half-dozen 'monster hits' off the leftover resin, but I haven't managed more than two or three just barely satisfying enough, but I want some good bellringers off that resin. There's gotta be some secret technique to it, closely guarded in an underground tomb beneath a mountain. Or something. And I want to know about it.

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How To Re Cook Crack Resin Clay
- Resin burns at a much higer temp than ganja does. Your bowl will have air bubbles in the glass (not always visible with naked eye), when these air pockets heat up they expand and can crack your pipe so let it cool down before you pass it off or decide to rip it again.
- I make slab coffee tables and want cracked resin in channels of tables. I make slab coffee tables and want cracked resin in channels of tables. WELCOME TO THE SMOKECRACK SUBREDDIT This is a community for people who enjoy smoking free-base or crack cocaine. We aim to be a community free from stigma and judgement. Llama Gun Serial Numbers.