Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack

Items are weapons, armor, potions, books and other assorted things the player picks up in the dungeons of Diablo I. The items are then placed in the grid inventory that has since become a staple of the series. Diablo I was quite punishing compared to its succcesors however, as every single item drops on the ground if the player dies. Coupled with no form of stash available to the player makes for some risky gameplay, especially in PvP. In other words if you don't want to lose that hard earned unique...save the game often!

Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack

Item Types

There are several kinds of items available in Diablo I that work differenty and serve different functions.

HOPE YOU ENJOY! D1 DOWNLOAD LINK - BELZEBUB DOWNLOAD LINK - http://diablo1.ovh.org/hd/?download. Codes here: f1 52 49 e9 be f1 90 bb = 0 f1 52 49 e9 bf f1 90 bb = 1 f1 52 49 e9 b0 f1 90 bb = 2 f1 52 49 e9 b1 f1 90 bb = 3 f1 52 49 e9 b2 f1 90 bb = 4 f1 52.

  • Equipment: This includes weapons and armor such as helms, body armor and shields.
  • Skill Books: These books found in dungeons or bought from Adria provide the player with one additional level of a skill. A Book of Lightning provides one point in Lightning and no other skill.
  • Potions & Elixirs: These items are consumables and can only be used once. Either Pepin or Adria sell them depending on which potion the player wants to buy.
  • Gold: Unlike in Diablo II & III, gold takes up inventory space and as such cannot be horded past a certain amount.




Item Mods

Retrieved from 'https://diablo.gamepedia.com/Items_(Diablo_I)?oldid=145681'

Spell Book - Page 1

Frost Shard

Type: Cold | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1250 Gold
Description: Launches shard of ice that slows down the enemy it hits.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a fiery missile.

Charged Bolt

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates multiple bolts of electrical energy.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals yourself.

Heal Other

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals targeted friendly player or minion.

Type: Holy | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a bolt of holy energy that damages only undead enemies.


Type: Fire | Required Level: 2 | Book Price: 2000 Gold
Description: Creates a stream of flame that scorches enemies.

Spell Book - Page 2

Type: Utility | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Magically teleports player to nearest entrance within spell range.

Fire Wall

Type: Fire | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 6000 Gold
Description: Creates a wall of flame that burns your enemies.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 2500 Gold
Description: Focuses power of mind on object or item and interacts with it from afar.


Type: Lightning | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Creates a powerful lightning torrent that strikes enemies.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 2 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Creates a portal that allows caster to magically teleport to town and back.


Type: Magic | Required Level: 4 | Book Price: 7500 Gold
Description: Creates a ring of energy around the caster that damages nearby enemies.

Type: Cold | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 5000 Gold
Description: Creates a circle of ice around the caster that slows down and damages enemies.

Spell Book - Page 3


Type: Utility | Required Level: 6 | Book Price: 3500 Gold
Description: Quickly teleports the caster to nearby random location.

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 6500 Gold
Description: Creates a wall of electricity that shocks enemies who pass.

Stone Curse

Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack 2

Type: Unknown | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 12000 Gold
Description: Attempts to turn enemy into stone, preventing it from taking any action.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 8000 Gold
Description: Creates a powerful fiery ball that explodes on hit, damaging target and adjacent enemies.

Diablo 1 Belzebub Drop Hack Code

Flame Wave

Type: Fire | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 10000 Gold
Description: Ignites a moving flame wall that burns enemies on its way.

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 11000 Gold
Description: Creates multiple lightning torrents that auto-target and strike enemies.

Ice Blast

Type: Cold | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 12000 Gold
Description: Launches massive frost ball that slows and crushes target and adjacent enemies.

Spell Book - Page 4

Type: Magic | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 13500 Gold
Description: Summons a mind mace that crushes enemies on its way.


Type: Fire | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 10500 Gold
Description: Releases a fiery being that seeks and destroys enemies.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 9 | Book Price: 18000 Gold
Description: Creates a golem from the earth to serve you.

Frozen Orb

Type: Cold | Required Level: 14 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates a frozen sphere that overwhelms enemies with torrents of ice shards.

Type: Fire & Physical | Required Level: 16 | Book Price: 18000 Gold
Description: Summons a cluster of fiery meteorites that burn and eradicate adjacent enemies.


Type: Fire | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 14000 Gold
Description: Summons a multiheaded beast of flame that shoots enemies within range.

Spell Book - Page 5

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 19 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates a massive expanding ring of lightning to destroy enemies within range.


Type: Cold | Required Level: 19 | Book Price: 16000 Gold
Description: Summons a lidless eye that shoots ice shards that slow nearby enemies and watches over the caster.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 12 | Book Price: 20000 Gold
Description: Instantly moves the caster to nearby selected location.



Type: Fire & Physical | Required Level: 30 | Book Price: 30000 Gold
Description: Engulfs all visible enemies in a burst of flame from beneath their feet.

Type: Cold | Required Level: 25 | Book Price: 28000 Gold
Description: Summons an ice storm to rain cold death onto enemies.


Type: Fire | Required Level: 21 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates an expanding circle of fireballs to destroy enemies around the caster.

Spell Book - Page 6

Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 2000 Gold
Description: Sacrifices part of life energy to recover mana.


Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 10000 Gold
Description: Sacrifices life energy in ritual that causes the caster to become possessed and gain supernatural combat prowess. Causes severe exhaustion.

Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 11500 Gold
Description: Releases a spirit of the restless that is attracted by souls of the living and saps their life energy.

Blood Star

Type: Blood Magic & Unholy | Required Level: 12 | Book Price: 27500 Gold
Description: Creates a vile star out of caster's blood that defiles target and adjacent enemies.

Type: Blood Magic & Fire | Required Level: 9 | Book Price: 12500 Gold
Description: Begins a ritual that causes each hit to cost life energy in exchange for fire damage.